These beautiful photos of majestic mountains are free to use thanks to the incredible Unsplash contributors. The first 6 photos are in desktop (landscape) orientation and can be used as a background on a desktop computer. The last 4 photos are in vertical orientation and could be used as a smartphone or tablet background.
For the desktop photos, you could save them straight from here, but if you want the full-resolution photos, click on the photographer links below each photo to go download them directly from the source. The vertical photos were uploaded at full resolution here, so saving them from the site should do the trick.
Looking for something different? Check out the thousands of other amazing photos that Unsplash has to offer, it’s one of my favorite stock photo sites! This isn’t an ad for them, I swear, I just wanted to share some of the fantastic photos I found over there, which I thought you might like to use as a background or screensaver image.
I chose to stick to a theme when I was searching for photos for this little background-photo project. Mountains, obviously, is that theme. I think I might make this a series though, and find photos that can be used for backgrounds on your devices, with a different theme each time. Just for fun, and to admire some amazing photos!
You can see a few photos I took during one of my explorations into the wild here.
Mountain photos to use for desktop backgrounds

Photo by Daniel Leone

Photo by Kurt Cotoaga

Photo by John Peters

Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

Photo by eberhard š grossgasteiger

Photo by Martin Schmidli
Majestic mountain photos for phone and tablet backgrounds

I hope you like all of the photos and enjoy using them for a cohesive set of backgrounds for your phone or desktop. The photographers did an AMAZING job IMO. I really enjoyed looking through all the awesome photos that so many talented people have taken. I might make this post a series and include a different theme for each set of background photos.
The world has some incredible places we should only be so lucky to see!