Professional photographers do some incredible work, and a lot goes into learning about their craft. That doesn’t mean the work of amateur photographers isn’t just as admirable and important. Photography is one of those hobbies that people often find a lifelong passion for, growing and learning more about it as they go over the years….
A Walk In The Woods [AKA Dreams of a Future Swamp Witch] (PHOTOS)
Every now and then I put together a little post of my photos and I haven’t done it in a while. I couldn’t sleep a couple of weeks ago so I ended up driving out into the woods (with this trusted pup in tow) super early and caught some photos of the forest before the…
How To Use Aperture on a DSLR: A Beginner’s Guide
Hey guys, today I’ve put together a little lesson on aperture: What it is, how to use it, and what it does. This post assumes you’re working with some sort of DSLR camera. My hope is that understanding how to use aperture correctly will help you take some awesome photos that you wanna brag about….
A Look Inside My Camera Bag
My Camera Equipment Hey guys! This is a list I’ve put together (and will probably add to in the future) of the stuff I have in my camera bag. Photography is a hobby of mine and I’m always learning and trying to improve. I hope this list helps you out if you’re looking to get…
How to Pack for Weeks of Travel with Only A Carryon and Camera Bag
I’m a serial carry-on-er All of my last few trips my luggage has been purely carry-on, including a trip of 5+ weeks all over Europe. I hate carrying around big bulky suit cases, and when traveling internationally you run into the problem (during layovers) that you may have to go out of security to get…