This is, if I do say so myself, the essential gift guide to the timeline of 2020. This year has been so insane, it’s only right that we memorialize it a bit, so these 2020 gift ideas are made to do just that. Check out a timeline of all the crazy stuff that’s happened in 2020 here.
This 2020 gift guide is arranged by timeline. Each set of gift suggestions corresponds to events that have happened in 2020, some are funny, some are useful, and some are related to causes which we can all help support.
You can also get some gift ideas on this list of 24 unique gifts that don’t need to come in a box!
Once you’ve got your gifts picked out
Check out this guide to pretty, minimalist gift wrapping ideas.
This was partially inspired by the idea of Spooky Baskets. I was thinking it would be fun to put together a basket of gifts for people that represent everything that happened in 2020, and thus, the 2020 Gift Guide was born!
I’ve tried to make much of this list Etsy-based products, to help support smaller businesses and entrepreneurs. I think this is particularly important considering the financial hit many small businesses have taken this year, so let’s do what we can to support each other.
2020 has been a truly bizarre year, but it’ll def make for some interesting gifts ideas. Who knows, maybe they’ll be collector’s items someday. You can jump to each section in the menu below.
Give the gift of “yeah, that happened THIS year” to your friends and family.
Jump to a Gift Section
My personal favorite gift | The Stock Market Crash | Wannabe WW3 | The Rona | The Great Toilet Paper Panic | Tiger King | Chernobyl | UFOs are Real | Everyone’s Outside | Murder Hornets Are Also Outside | Black Lives Matter | Karens | Homeschooling | Essential 2020
The Essential 2020 Timeline Gift Guide
1. Aussie Bushfires
If you’re looking to do a little good in this, the year of all the bad, consider purchasing a gift that also serves to donate money to a worthy cause. In this case, the seller of this lovely little koala bracelet donates the profits from the sales to the WWF. You can also go directly to the WWF’s website and donate to help with the recovery from the bushfires or grab something from their shop to contribute to the foundation.
2. WW3 – Almost…
You’ve probably heard of this book even if you haven’t read it. It’s hella old. Like B.C. old. Even so, it’s considered an extremely useful book for more than just literal war. The advice and strategies can be applied to many areas of life.
It’s a good book in general, but I think it’s a particularly apt way to reference the beginning of 2020 in gift-form.
3. The Rona
4. Stock Market Crash
If you, like so many on the internet, didn’t really pay much attention to the stock market until the popular app Robinhood launched, you might not be totally aware of the bear vs. bull system. Bear markets vs. Bull markets. Ya welcome.

The stock market has crashed before, and it will crash again, but there is something unique about each crash and I might go so far as to say that the crash of 2020 is in a class of its own. A worldwide pandemic caused the markets to dive off the high board, and this print tells the story.
5. Toilet Paper
In memory of The Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020, consider getting your loved ones some rolls to store away and maybe a toilet paper holder or something similar. That way you know they’re all set if we have to go through that insanity again.
6. Tiger King Stocking Stuffers
In a surprise twist, Tiger King on Netflix became a quarantine-induced sensation. Also kinda one of the most normal things of 2020. What a year.
7. Chernobyl
If you haven’t seen the HBO series on Chernobyl, I def recommend it (although it’s not for the faint of heart) see it here. This quote is from the show and pretty perfectly encapsulates a lot of 2020.
*Spoiler alert, it’s not just 15 cases 3.6 roentgen and it is terrible.
The video clip below includes some scenes from the show to give the quote some context.
8. Aliens
In 2020 the government admitting that UFOs are real was literally one of the least-interesting events of the year, but it happened. Commemorate the weirdness with something like these earrings, or a collection of Alien movies.
9. Safe Space = Outside
With The Rona being a primarily indoor issue, lots of people have taken to the parks and trails in 2020. This might actually be one of the few positive things about the year. I chose this shirt for the gift to represent this event because it made me chuckle, but also, letsbehonest, hiking is the new hangout, and we ain’t rushin’ nowhere.
10. Murder Hornets
I mean, why not right? It’s 2020, let’s throw some Hunger Games-style obstacles in the mix.
For the murder hornets gift, I’ve opted to include a couple of links to places where you can actually help preserve and expand the bee population. Bees are having a hard time out there, not just in 2020 either, so let’s help our little pollinators out.
6 ways you can help bees PLUS Buy for bees and make a difference here.
11. Black Lives Matter
After several black people were killed (some by police officers – see info on police reform here) and their deaths were widely publicized and, in some cases, literally viewed by millions. BLM protests then spread throughout the world in reaction to the systemic violence against black people.
You can view BLM’s official website and mission here as well donate to the cause, or shop at the store to help support the Black Lives Matter movement. See more information about BLM here.
You can, of course, purchase items from many places that show support for BLM, but you can also seek out black-owned businesses to show support for the black community. Both gift ideas included here are from stores run by black entrepreneurs.
12. Karens
Ah, yes. The Karen. The wild-eyed creature that stalks your local parking lot and supermarket, ready to call the police on you at the slightest hint of the word “No.” 2020 has, no doubt, been The Karen’s year to flourish.
Give this to a friend to help them stay safe out there.

13. Homeschooling
The world watched breathlessly as the school year drew closer and closer, and Covid-19 was still very much in our lives. Many a parent prayed that they’d be able to send their beloved little nightmares children back to school when the time came, but alas.
School was largely done through distance learning for the month of September, with some kids going back to in-person, while others had to come to the unfortunate realization that their parents didn’t know how to do basic 4th-grade math.
For teachers
Let’s be real, teachers deserve some special consideration right now (and always, really) for putting up with all the chaos, figuring out distance learning whether they want to or not, and putting up with parents who can be less-than understanding.
14. RBG Passes Away
The legendary supreme court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, passed away on September 18th 2020 after a long-fought battle with cancer at the age of 87.
These gifts are reminders of what she stood for and what her legacy means to so many around the world.
The sticker with RBG’s likeness next to a quote by another extremely notable woman who defied expectations, Frida Kahlo, and the pin with a quote Ginsberg gave when asked when there will be enough women on the supreme court.

Is that enough yet?
We’re almost done (literally, with the whole year!) but I want to add some pure 2020 madness gifts to the list before we call it quits.
Gift Ideas for Remembering 2020

Handcrafted, playable Jumanji Board Game
Because what is 2020 if not real-life Jumanji?

And finally, the thing I think we’d all like to pop on New Years 2020…
That’s all folks! I hope you find something here for yourself or a loved one to help commemorate this super weird year. Don’t forget to check out the actual timeline of all the crazy things that happened in 2020 (some are not included in the gift guide timeline) here.