20 Youtube Videos to Watch While You’re Quarantined

Because this is life in 2020. It’s weird, folks. It’s all weird. Hopefully you’re getting through this strangest of timelines relatively intact. If you’re officially quarantined, hello from the outside world! If you’re self-isolating to try and help, well done, me too! (Hence me finally posting here again ~silver?lining?~) If you still have to venture…

Christmas Eve, 2019

I am sad on Christmas Eve. Sad to be alone, to feel change wedging itself into my relationships, to feel unsure of how many will remain a couple years from now. I don’t like change all that much. I like changes in scenery, not changes in relationships. I admire the people in my life, and…

hand holding a spray bottle

How to Super-Clean Your House for the Holidays

I might be weird, but I actually like cleaning. I didn’t always. As a kid I would fight for my right to live in a pile of my own clothes and crumbs, but now, cleaning is almost meditation for me. I also like organizing and hosting gatherings of family and friends at my place. Put…

Starry desert sky - west coast road trip

10 Features That Make A Great Tripod

Over the course of a few years and several broken tripods (don’t ask) I’ve figured out what features I consistently find the most useful. What you need in a tripod depends a lot on personal preference but generally, I think the more of these features you can pack into one tripod, the better. 1. Max…

31 of My All-Time Favorite Horror Movies (Sorted by Category)

It’s that time of year. Time for a list of 31 awesome horror movies for all horror-junkies to enjoy! I’ve watched ’em all folks! I’m also including trailers so you can preview any you haven’t seen yet, ya welcome. But first, let’s chat a moment. Guys. It’s FAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL. The LEAVES. The FOOD. SPOOKY BASKETS. OCTOBER…

What You Call Them Only Defines You

We’ve all had that moment… You know that moment. The moment when your blood is boiling and your head feels like it might explode. You could crush a car between your teeth with all the tension in your jaw. But underneath that tension and anger, you have your sword. The verbal sword you’ll use to…