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9 of My Favorite Introverts – Because Introverts are Cool

I wasn’t planning to write a post about my introvert-by-design personality. But I swear to God the Internet (yes I just capitalized Internet – because it deserves it *slams fist on table*) has been straight-up launching signs in my direction the past couple days.

I have found my people: The introverts.

I’ve recently come across a slew of blog posts by self-proclaimed introverts – totally by chance.

It’s validating to come across other people who proudly proclaim “I’m here! Now I want to go home!”

Growing up an introvert can feel kind of like being a zoo animal sometimes. You get [well-meaning] people tapping on your glass trying to get you to “come out of your shell.”

Screw you, man. I like my shell. My shell has Netflix and books.

So, I’m declaring September Introvert Appreciation Month. Just cuz.

In celebration of Introvert Appreciation Month

(which I’ve just declared it is…)

My Favorite Introvert Characters

Lisbeth Salander

She’s baaaaack. Maybe I should just start including Lisbeth in all of my posts, since she just keeps popping up.

Mr. Darcy

Aw look at the guy. He’s so adorably awkward.

Darcy struggles with something I think a lot of introverts get: Being seen as aloof or unfriendly when really you’re just soooo unsure what to say or do.

Will Graham

Sure, he’s got problems that verge on psychopathic, but he also has traits like thinking (A TON) before speaking – maybe overthinking. Which is a thing we do. And don’t tell me you don’t want to spend some time in a little house in the snowy country with a good book and a ton of dogs.

Dexter Morgan

The struggle.

Dexter’s got some issues that most of us do not. Normally introverts don’t moonlight as serial killer-serial killers (although I can’t speak for everyone) but the constant analytic part of Dexter’s thoughts are all-too familiar.

Sheldon Cooper

Unapologetically not feelin’ it. If only we could all be so blunt when we don’t want to do the social stuff.

Ron Swanson

Don’t we all, Ron. Don’t we all.

Spencer Reid

A moment of silence for our fellow introvert’s struggle.

Katniss Everdeen

Dogs count, don’t they?

Seriously though.  A trademark sign of being an introvert is having a few close friends, without much interest in “knowing” lots of people.

Molly Hooper

Introverts get more talkative the more you get to know them. I think Molly’s character shows that progression really well as the series goes on.

introverts unite!… Separately.

Go check out these 3 posts by 3 other lovely introverts:

Lazy Day Blogging by Ashlee

I kinda freaked out at her (in a good way) for talking about the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.

The Very Real Struggles of Being an Introvert by Anna

Her post spoke to my soul. #TheStruggleIsReal

Small Talk and Mingling: A Survival Guide for the Shy and Introverts by kendall

Yep. I needed this post in my life.

Happy Introvert Appreciation Month!

And extroverts, I totally love you guys too. We definitely need both!


Tech obsessed professional dog-petter with a camera and a website or two. Sometimes wine's involved, usually Starbucks.