Oh hey, kid.
Welcome to the About page, where all your questions will be answered in the order they are received.
Just kidding there are no answers here. Only more questions. Just as in life. It’s an endless void.
Wow that got dark quick, huh? Ok I guess I can give you SOME answers about this blog. I made it, so I know something about it. Not much, but something.

So I’m Hannah – Han, for short – Banana, if you want to give me grade school flashbacks. Please don’t. CuriousWriter is my personal blog. It has gone through many phases due to the fact that I am a libra and suffer from an inability to make decisions at a level that is statistically significant. I’m not actually sure any of that made sense, but I said what I said.
It’s a personal blog, that I also make money from. So it’s somewhere between personal and business, which I guess many things on the internet are.
It is home to me and my opinions and experiences, connections, and interests.
I’ve tried to evolve it into something a little more condensed as the years go on, but every now and then I will absolutely say, screw it, and post something that is neither “on brand” nor particularly interesting. But I’m neither “on brand” nor particularly interesting, and this is my blog. So.
My current main focuses of the blog are
- Photography
- Outdoorsy adventures – where I take most of the photos
- And just personal experiences
If you’d like to say hey I’m most active on Instagram.