Every now and then I put together a little post of my photos and I haven’t done it in a while. I couldn’t sleep a couple of weeks ago so I ended up driving out into the woods (with this trusted pup in tow) super early and caught some photos of the forest before the morning fog lifted.
I might’ve been in sweats with my unbrushed hair tangled up in a scrunchie. I might’ve looked like Dawn of the Dead in iMAX 3D. Or Creature from the Black Lagoon. But trekking around the woods in the early morning wakes me up faster than even my much-beloved Starbucks. Especially with a camera and my best bud, Zeus, along for the journey.
If you’re looking for some good vibes without the hike, check out this like of some of my favorite feel-good movies to watch on a more lazy day.
It’s like therapy or meditation… With the slight possibility of being eaten by a mountain lion or a bear. But what’s life without the possibility of being eaten by a bear, really? BOring. That’s what.
Disclaimer: This blog does not encourage readers to be eaten by bears.
You can check out another little walk in the woods here. Or see more photos on my Instagram. Mostly my dogs, but some other stuff like this too… Sometimes.
A little walk in the woods…

I am truly working my way to becoming a full-on swamp witch… vampire. Or something. There’s very little that soothes my soul more than dark, cool, quiet nature.